21 August 1995 Cone and trumpet concentrators in light of the general edge-ray theorem
Harald Ries, Wolfgang Spirkl, Roland Winston
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Cone and trumpet are nonimaging concentrators which do not obey the traditional edge-ray principle. The latter states that edge rays from the source should be transferred to the edge of the target. These concentrators have traditionally been described in terms of the heuristic flow line principle. The edge-ray theorem has been generalized to include nonimaging reflectors with multiple reflections. One includes all multiply reflected rays as an auxiliary domain. The general edge-ray theorem then states that the edge rays to the union of source and auxiliary domain must be reflected to edge of the union of target and auxiliary domain by the first reflection. We show the setup for which cone and trumpet constitute perfect nonimaging concentrators in the light of the generalized edge-ray theorem. We discuss the cases where cones are very good approximations for the solutions of nonimaging problems.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Harald Ries, Wolfgang Spirkl, and Roland Winston "Cone and trumpet concentrators in light of the general edge-ray theorem", Proc. SPIE 2538, Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer III, (21 August 1995);
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