In this talk, I will present our recent development on the “Meta”-optical fiber integrated with optical metasurfaces and plasmonic nanostructures. I will present the development of ultrathin optical metalens cascaded on the facet of a photonic crystal optical fiber that enables light focusing in the telecommunication regime. The development of the ultrathin optical fiber metalens and color filter for potential laser surgery and medical imaging endoscope applications, excitation of ENZ and plasmonic resonances on holey optical fiber for advanced optical/bio sensing, novel in-fiber laser and tip-enhanced Raman molecular spectroscopy will be discussed. The integration of an metalens/plasmonic nanostructures and optical fiber will open the path to revolutionary ultracompact in-fiber optical devices for optical imaging, sensing, and fiber communication and laser applications.
The authors acknowledge the supports partially by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR, Award number: FA9550-21-1-02204).