1 November 2016 Measurement of aerosol optical properties by cw cavity enhanced spectroscopy
Guo Jie, Shan-Shan Ye, Xiao Yang, Ye-Xing Han, Huai-Wu Tang, Zhi-Wei Yu
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Proceedings Volume 10157, Infrared Technology and Applications, and Robot Sensing and Advanced Control; 101572B (2016)
Event: International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2016, 2016, Beijing, China
The CAPS (Cavity Attenuated Phase shift Spectroscopy) system, which detects the extinction coefficients within a 10 nm bandpass centered at 532 nm, comprises a green LED with center wavelength in 532nm, a resonant optical cavity (36 cm length), a Photo Multiplier Tube detector, and a lock in amplifier. The square wave modulated light from the LED passes through the optical cavity and is detected as a distorted waveform which is characterized by a phase shift with respect to the initial modulation. Extinction coefficients are determined from changes in the phase shift of the distorted waveform of the square wave modulated LED light that is transmitted through the optical cavity. The performance of the CAPS system was evaluated by using measurements of the stability and response of the system. The minima (~0.1 Mm-1) in the Allan plots show the optimum average time (~100s) for optimum detection performance of the CAPS system. In the paper, it illustrates that extinction coefficient was correlated with PM2.5 mass (0.91). These figures indicate that this method has the potential to become one of the most sensitive on-line analytical techniques for extinction coefficient detection. This work aims to provide an initial validation of the CAPS extinction monitor in laboratory and field environments. Our initial results presented in this paper show that the CAPS extinction monitor is capable of providing state-of-the-art performance while dramatically reducing the complexity of optical instrumentation for directly measuring the extinction coefficients.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Guo Jie, Shan-Shan Ye, Xiao Yang, Ye-Xing Han, Huai-Wu Tang, and Zhi-Wei Yu "Measurement of aerosol optical properties by cw cavity enhanced spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 10157, Infrared Technology and Applications, and Robot Sensing and Advanced Control, 101572B (1 November 2016);
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Atmospheric particles

Mass attenuation coefficient

Optical properties

Optical testing

Phase shifts

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