22 May 2017 Mueller matrices of hydrosols and their impact on the polarized light fields from the ocean water
Robert Foster, Anna McGilloway, Alex Gilerson
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Polarimetric characteristics of light from ocean water in combination with standard remote sensing reflectance provide important information about water constituents; they are useful in retrieval of additional water parameters like attenuation-to-absorption ratio and attenuation coefficients and/or establishing additional constraints for retrieval algorithms. The Stokes vectors of light above and below the water surface, which fully represent polarimetric characteristics of water leaving radiance, strongly depend on the particle size distribution and related Mueller matrices of water particulates. In this work we investigate the effect of various hydrosol mixtures of chlorophyllous particles on the polarized light field. The Stokes vectors of scattered light and the degree of polarization (DOP) are generated as outputs of vector radiative transfer simulations for various water compositions. Mie theory as well as T-matrix approaches are used for the generation of scattering matrices. The impact of their variability on the Stokes vectors of polarized light is analyzed.
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Robert Foster, Anna McGilloway, and Alex Gilerson "Mueller matrices of hydrosols and their impact on the polarized light fields from the ocean water", Proc. SPIE 10186, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IX, 101860N (22 May 2017); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Mueller matrices

Light scattering

Mie scattering




Radiative transfer

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