25 August 2017 Functionalized liquid crystal polymers generate optical and polarization vortex beams
Moritsugu Sakamoto, Yuki Nakamoto, Tran Minh Tien, Kotaro Kawai, Kohei Noda, Tomoyuki Sasaki, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki, Hiroshi Ono
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In recent year, optical and polarization vortex (OV and PV) beams, which has phase and polarization singularities, have much-attracted attention in various research fields due to their unique physical properties. In this presentation, we report our attempts for the vortex beam generation based on the photo-alignment technique of functionalized liquid crystal polymers. The OV and PV beam generations are respectively demonstrated by using azo-dye-doped liquid crystal polymers and photocrosslinkable polymer liquid crystal. Our approaches realize highly functionalized vortex beam generators which are expected to evolve the photonics applications of vortex beams.
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Moritsugu Sakamoto, Yuki Nakamoto, Tran Minh Tien, Kotaro Kawai, Kohei Noda, Tomoyuki Sasaki, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki, and Hiroshi Ono "Functionalized liquid crystal polymers generate optical and polarization vortex beams", Proc. SPIE 10361, Liquid Crystals XXI, 1036108 (25 August 2017);
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