23 February 2018 Spatially confined photoinactivation of bacteria: towards novel tools for detailed mechanistic studies
Hanna Thomsen, Jeemol James, Anne Farewell, Marica B. Ericson
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Antimicrobial resistance is a serious global threat fueling an accelerated field of research aimed at developing novel antimicrobial therapies. A particular challenge is the treatment of microbial biofilms formed upon bacterial growth and often associated with chronic infections. Biofilms comprise bacteria that have adhered to a surface and formed 3D microcolonies, and demonstrate significantly increased antimicrobial resistance compared to the planktonic counterpart. A challenge in developing novel strategies for fighting these chronic infections is a lack of mechanistic understanding of what primarily contributes to enhanced drug resistance. Tools for noninvasive study of live biofilms are necessary to begin to understand these mechanisms on both a single cell and 3D level.

Herein, a method by which multiphoton microscopy is implemented to study a biofilm model of Staphylococcus epidermidis to noninvasively visualize and measure penetration of compounds in 3D biofilm structure and two photon excitation was exploited for spatially confined photoinactivation and microscopy optimized for evaluation of microbiological viability at a microscopic level. Future studies are aimed at future development of the proposed techniques for detailed studies of, e.g., quorum sensing and mechanisms contributing to antimicrobial resistance.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hanna Thomsen, Jeemol James, Anne Farewell, and Marica B. Ericson "Spatially confined photoinactivation of bacteria: towards novel tools for detailed mechanistic studies", Proc. SPIE 10498, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XVIII, 1049825 (23 February 2018);
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Two photon excitation microscopy



3D image processing

3D modeling

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