Presentation + Paper
15 February 2018 Femtosecond deep-infrared optical parametric oscillator pumped directly by a Ti:sapphire laser
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We report a high-repetition-rate femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) for the deep-infrared (deep-IR) based on the nonlinear optical crystal, CdSiP2 (CSP), pumped directly by a Ti:sapphire laser, for the first time. By pumping CSP at <1 μm, we have achieved practical output powers at the longest wavelengths generated by any Ti:sapphire-pumped OPO. Using a combination of pump wavelength tuning, type-I critical phase-matching, and cavity delay tuning, we have generated continuously tunable radiation across 6654−8373 nm (1194−1503 cm-1) at 80.5 MHz repetition rate, providing up to 20 mW of average power at 7314 nm and <7 mW beyond 8000 nm, with idler spectra exhibiting bandwidths of 140−180 nm across the tuning range. Moreover, the near-IR signal is tunable across 1127−1192 nm, providing up to 37 mW of average power at 1150 nm. Signal pulses, characterised using intensity autocorrelation, have durations of ∼260–320 fs, with corresponding time-bandwidth product of ∆υ∆τ∼1. The idler and signal output exhibit a TEM00 spatial profile with single-peak Gaussian distribution. With an equivalent spectral brightness of ∼6.68×1020 photons s-1 mm-2 sr-1 0.1% BW-1, this OPO represents a viable table-top alternative to synchrotron and supercontinuum sources for deep-IR applications in spectroscopy, metrology and medical diagnostics.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Callum O'Donnell, Chaitanya Kumar S., Kevin T. Zawilski, Peter G. Schunemann, and Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh "Femtosecond deep-infrared optical parametric oscillator pumped directly by a Ti:sapphire laser", Proc. SPIE 10516, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XVII, 1051610 (15 February 2018);
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Optical parametric oscillators

Wavelength tuning


Nonlinear optics

Laser applications

Nonlinear crystals



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