30 April 2018 Novel application of windowed beamforming function imaging for FLGPR
Ismael J. Xique, Joseph W. Burns, Brian J. Thelen, Ryan M. LaRose
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Backprojection of cross-correlated array data, using algorithms such as coherent interferometric imaging (Borcea, et al., 2006), has been advanced as a method to improve the statistical stability of images of targets in an inhomogeneous medium. Recently, the Windowed Beamforming Energy (WBE) function algorithm has been introduced as a functionally equivalent approach, which is significantly less computationally burdensome (Borcea, et al., 2011). WBE produces similar results through the use of a quadratic function summing signals after beamforming in transmission and reception, and windowing in the time domain. We investigate the application of WBE to improve the detection of buried targets with forward looking ground penetrating MIMO radar (FLGPR) data. The formulation of WBE as well the software implementation of WBE for the FLGPR data collection will be discussed. WBE imaging results are compared to standard backprojection and Coherence Factor imaging. Additionally, the effectiveness of WBE on field-collected data is demonstrated qualitatively through images and quantitatively through the use of a CFAR statistic on buried targets of a variety of contrast levels.
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Ismael J. Xique, Joseph W. Burns, Brian J. Thelen, and Ryan M. LaRose "Novel application of windowed beamforming function imaging for FLGPR", Proc. SPIE 10628, Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XXIII, 106280H (30 April 2018);
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Coherence imaging

Target detection

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image filtering


Land mines

Radar imaging

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