11 May 2018 Statistical evaluation of motion-based MTF for full-motion video using the Python-based PyBSM image quality analysis toolbox
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As full-motion video (FMV) systems achieve smaller instantaneous fields-of-view (IFOVs), the residual line-of-sight (LOS) motion becomes significantly more influential to the overall system resolving and task performance capability. We augment the AFRL-derived Python-based open-source modeling code pyBSM to calculate distributions of motionbased modulation transfer function (MTF) based on true knowledge of line-of-sight motion. We provide a pyBSMcompatible class that can manipulate either existing or synthesized LOS motion data for frame-by-frame MTF and system performance analysis. The code is used to demonstrate the implementation using both simulated and measured LOS data and highlight discrepancies between the traditional MTF models and LOS-based MTF analysis.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Craig Olson, David Gaudiosi, Andrew Beard, and Rich Gueler "Statistical evaluation of motion-based MTF for full-motion video using the Python-based PyBSM image quality analysis toolbox", Proc. SPIE 10650, Long-Range Imaging III, 106500L (11 May 2018);
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Modulation transfer functions

Image quality



Motion models

Point spread functions

Imaging systems

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