10 July 2018 Modelling exoplanet detection with the LUVOIR coronagraph (Conference Presentation)
Roser Juanola-Parramon, Neil Zimmerman, Maxime Rizzo, Hari Subedi, Giada Arney, Tyler Groff, Laurent Pueyo, Chris Stark, Rémi Soummer, Matthew Bolcar, Aki Roberge
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The Coronagraph is a key instrument on the Large UV-Optical-Infrared (LUVOIR) Surveyor mission concept. The Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph (APLC) is one of the baselined mask technologies to enable 1E10 contrast observations in the habitable zones of nearby stars. The LUVOIR concept uses a large, segmented primary mirror (9--15 meters in diameter) to meet its scientific objectives. For such an observatory architecture, the coronagraph performance depends on active wavefront sensing and control and metrology subsystems to compensate for errors in segment alignment (piston and tip/tilt), secondary mirror alignment, and global low-order wavefront errors. Here we present the latest results of the simulation of these effects for different working angle regions and discuss the achieved contrast for exoplanet detection and characterization under these circumstances, including simulated observations using high-fidelity spatial and spectral models of planetary systems generated with Haystacks, setting boundaries for the tolerance of such errors.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Roser Juanola-Parramon, Neil Zimmerman, Maxime Rizzo, Hari Subedi, Giada Arney, Tyler Groff, Laurent Pueyo, Chris Stark, Rémi Soummer, Matthew Bolcar, and Aki Roberge "Modelling exoplanet detection with the LUVOIR coronagraph (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 1069810 (10 July 2018);

Exoplanetary science


Planetary systems

Spectral models



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