eXTP is a science mission designed to study the state of matter under
extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. Primary goals
are the determination of the equation of state of matter at supra-nuclear
density, the measurement of QED effects in highly magnetized star, and
the study of accretion in the strong-field regime of gravity.
Primary targets include isolated and binary neutron stars,
strong magnetic field systems like magnetars, and stellar-mass
and supermassive black holes. The mission carries a unique and
unprecedented suite of state-of-the-art scientific
instruments enabling for the first time ever the simultaneous
spectral-timing-polarimetry studies of cosmic sources in the
energy range from 0.5-30 keV (and beyond). Key elements of the
payload are: the Spectroscopic Focusing Array (SFA)
- a set of 9 X-ray optics for a total effective area of ~0.7 m2 and
0.5 m2 at 2 keV and 6 keV respectively, equipped with
Silicon Drift Detectors offering 150 eV spectral resolution;
the Large Area Detector (LAD) - a deployable set of 640
Silicon Drift Detectors, for a total effective area of
~3.4 m2, and spectral resolution better than 250 eV;
the Polarimetry Focusing Array (PFA) – a set of 4 X-ray telescope,
for a total effective area of >500 cm2 at 2 keV, equipped with
imaging gas pixel photoelectric polarimeters; the Wide Field
Monitor (WFM) - a set of 3 coded mask wide field units, equipped
with position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detectors, each covering
a 90 degrees x 90 degrees field of view. The eXTP
international consortium includes major institutions
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Universities in
China, as well as major institutions in several European
The predecessor of eXTP, the XTP mission concept, has been
selected and funded as one of the missions in the Strategic
Pioneering Space Science Program of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences since 2011. The strong European participation has
ignificantly enhanced the scientific capabilities of eXTP.
The planned launch date of the mission is 2025.