1 March 2019 Novel geometry for X-Ray diffraction mammary imaging: experimental validation on a breast phantom
Vera Feldman, Joachim Tabary, Caroline Paulus, Jean-Louis Hazemann
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Mammography is the first tool in breast cancer diagnosis. Its contrast relies on the difference of X-Ray attenuation in healthy and diseased tissues, which is quite limited. This leads to frequent false-positive or inconclusive results and requires further testing. X-Ray Diffraction provides information about molecular structure and can differentiate between healthy and cancerous breast tissues. It can thus be used in synergy with existing imaging methods to provide complementary diagnosis-relevant insight. We present a novel geometry of such an imaging system and its validation on a breast phantom composed of olive oil and beef muscle, imitating respectively the molecular structure of healthy and cancerous breast tissue. Our system combines energy-dispersive and angle-dispersive X-Ray diffraction by means of an energy-resolved CdZnTe detector and a multi-slit collimation in order to achieve depth-resolved imaging. The position of the tube with beef muscle inside the oil was varied in this experiment. The obtained results are satisfactory regarding the estimated position of the tube which is very promising for future ex-vivo experiments on human breast tissue samples. Further investigations are carried out on dose reduction and reliable classification algorithms in order to prepare this method for clinical applications.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vera Feldman, Joachim Tabary, Caroline Paulus, and Jean-Louis Hazemann "Novel geometry for X-Ray diffraction mammary imaging: experimental validation on a breast phantom", Proc. SPIE 10948, Medical Imaging 2019: Physics of Medical Imaging, 109485O (1 March 2019);
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