30 July 2019 CNN based classification of 5 cell types by diffraction images
Jiahong Jin, Jun Q. Lu, Yuhua Wen, Peng Tian, Xin-Hua Hu
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Rapid and label-free cell assay presents a challenging and significant problem that have wide applications in life science and clinics. We report here a method that combines polarization diffraction imaging flow cytometry (p-DIFC) with deep convolutional neural network (CNN) based image analysis for solving the above problem. Cross-polarized diffraction image (p-DI) pairs were acquired from 6185 cells in 5 types to investigate their uses for accurate classification. Different CNN architects have been studied to develop a compact architect named DINet which has relatively small set of network parameter for fast training and test. The averaged accuracy among the 5 groups of p-DI data ranges from 98.7% to 99.2%. With the DINet, the strong potentials of the p-DIFC method for morphology based and label-free cell assay have been demonstrated.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jiahong Jin, Jun Q. Lu, Yuhua Wen, Peng Tian, and Xin-Hua Hu "CNN based classification of 5 cell types by diffraction images", Proc. SPIE 11076, Advances in Microscopic Imaging II, 110761F (30 July 2019);
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Light scattering

Image classification

Flow cytometry


Convolutional neural networks


Optical strain gauge
Proceedings of SPIE (September 29 1998)

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