Newton did not have a telescope in mind when he ran his dual prism experiment, but he did notice that the colors after the secondary prism changed with any change in the angle of the first. When applied to astronomical observation, a Newtonian dual dispersion architecture allows for an enormous improvement in field-of-view over a conventional mirror telescope. Combined with a stretched length of a primary objective grating as viewed from a fixed angle of grazing exodus, étendue AΩ can be shown to reach the tens of thousands. We have designed a telescope based on this architecture that takes very high resolution spectra of every object in a line of right ascension over the course of an observational cycle. Embodiments on the ground, airborne, in space and on the moon are discussed. Unlike all prior proposals for diffractive primaries, THE MOST, The High Étendue Multiple Object Spectrographic Telescope is not limited to a narrow spectral band or narrow field-of-view while enjoying the low mass and potentially low cost that was anticipated with recent investigations into diffraction primary objective telescopes.