One of the SolO solar remote-sensing instruments is the Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy (METIS), under development by an Italian consortium ATI composed by CGS and TAS-I. METIS is a coronagraph that will perform simultaneously broad-band imaging in visible light and narrow-band imaging in UV of the Sun corona with unprecedented spatial resolution. The surfaces of several Ti-6Al-4V components of the METIS Optical Unit must have a very low reflectance in order to minimize straylight and therefore ACKTAR Magic BlackTM coating was specified. An example is represented by the internal surface of the Inverted External Occulter (IEO) - the front part of the instrument - which is exposed to the direct solar flux and experiences challenging environmental conditions. Qualification for 450°C was required whereas Acktar's Magic BlackTM qualified maximum temperature was 380°C. A dedicated thermal-vacuum cycling test (100 total cycles, −120°C − 450°C) was conducted to qualify Magic BlackTM to quantify any performance degradation under these conditions: • optical (reflectance) • thermal (∝ and ε values) to allow calculation of the radiative heat transfer of the METIS parts during mission • mechanical performances The following success criteria were established: • total reflectance at wavelengths of 400−1000nm <;5% • degradation of absorptance ∝ and emissivity ε to be <10% • surface resistivity <5 kΩ/square |
1.INTRODUCTIONIn the context of ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 scientific program, Solar Orbiter (SolO, see figure 1) represents the first M-class mission, dedicated to solar and heliospheric physics, currently under implementation for a launch planned in October 2018.(1) 2.METIS OVERVIEWAs one of the six SolO solar remote-sensing instruments (see figure 2), the Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy (METIS) is proposed by an international scientific consortium led by Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Turin), funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and under development and implementation by the Italian consortium ATI composed by Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio (CGS) and Thales Alenia Space – Italia (TAS-I). An example is represented by the METIS Shield Entrance Aperture (SEA), as shown in figure 4. Magic Black™ is the coating of choice where the absolute lowest reflectance / highest emissivity is required in the FUV – UV,VIS up to SWIR regions - typically for stray-light suppression. In addition to its superior optical performance (see Figs 5-7). Magic Black™ was thoroughly tested and qualified for thermal cycling, thermal vacuum cycling, cryogenic temperature performance, outgassing, space atomic oxygen and reflectance after environmental exposure. Magic Black™ delivers many other attributes important in space applications as it has essentially zero outgassing, it is vacuum and thermal-vacuum cycling compatible, suitable for operating temperatures from -269°C to +350°C, has no particulation, it is only a few microns thick and compatible with virtually all substrate materials. Magic Black™ has been extensively tested and qualified for space applications and is applied in a variety of space programs including among others:
The METIS Inverted External Occulter (IEO, figure 8) is the front part of the instrument: its surface will be exposed to the solar flux so experiencing very challenging environmental conditions: 380° C was considered as maximum qualification temperature by dedicated thermal analysis conducted by CGS and TAS-I (figure 9). Acktar’s Magic Black™ was previously required to be qualified for 350°C as maximum temperature. 3.QUALIFICATION TESTA dedicated thermal-vacuum cycling test was planned by CGS, TAS-I and ACKTAR on several titanium coated samples (Figure 10) to qualify the Magic Black™ coating stability up to 380°C. 3.2.Investigated physical propertiesThe purpose of the test was to investigate the degradation of the following characteristics:
The characterization of the samples was carried out: 3.3.Acceptance criteriaSeveral acceptance criteria for different characteristics were considered for the test results, as summarized below: 3.4.Test set-upThermal Vacuum cycling was conducted using a Test Facility (ITL Inc.) comprising a stainless steel vacuum chamber accommodating a sample holder with a heating/cooling system (figure 12). The vacuum pumping system consists of an oil-free mechanical scroll pump and a turbomolecular pump with 2,050 l/s pumping speed – capable of achieving the ultimate pressure of < 10-8 Torr. The test samples were placed on the surface of the sample holder plate. 4.CONCLUSIONAcktar Magic black coatings deposited on Ti6Al4V substrates fully meet the thermal-vacuum cycling qualification requirements for the METIS program as they relate to reflectance, absorptance, emittance, adherence, surface resistivity, and visual appearance. Moreover, due to a IEO hardware design modification, a further thermal-vacuum cycling test will be required to qualify the Acktar™ Magic Black coating up to +450 °C. Further validation of thermo-optical test will be conducted soon on the overall METIS instrument (Thermal Model). |