Near infrared diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is a significant potential means of detecting breast cancer. Compared with other system structures, the parallel-plate scanning mode has such advantages like adapting to different breast size, as well as increasing the transmission of light by compressing. Traditional parallel-plate DOT systems utilized the fibers for photon transmission and photomultiplier tube (PMT) or CCD for photon detection, which resulted in the high complexity and cost. In this study, we propose a fiber-free parallel-plate continuous-wave DOT system for breast cancer detection based on Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) and multi-wavelength light emitting diode (LED). 50 three-wavelength (660 nm, 750nm and 840nm) LEDs are arranged in a printed circuit board (PCB) array as the source plate. Parallel to this plate, the other plate with 56 silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) arranged is designed as the detection plate. The control of the light source excitation and the detection of the SiPMs output are implemented by a module based on a data acquisition card. The structure of proposed system is very simple, and the acquisition time is no more than 5 minutes. The feasibility of the system was verified by polyoxymethylene and agar phantom experiments, which indicated that the parallel-plate system can accurately reconstruct optical parameters.