25 August 2020 Science and applications of topological photonics: From microwaves to nanoscale
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I will provide an overview of the field, with special emphasis on the photonic emulation of the canonical quantum topological phases such as the Hall, spin-Hall, and valley-Hall phases, as well as higher-order topological phases. I will also discuss how the ideas from topological photonics can be used for complete reimagining of the architectures of photonic devices such as add/drop filters, delay lines, and logical gates based on the valley degree of freedom of photons (“photonic valleytronics”). Finally, I will discuss the prospects of realizing reconfigurable topological photonic structures on a nanoscale. The prospects for exciting topologically protected microwaves using high current beams, and using the latter for high-power magnets-free microwave radiation, will also be discussed.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gennady B. Shvets "Science and applications of topological photonics: From microwaves to nanoscale", Proc. SPIE 11461, Active Photonic Platforms XII, 114611A (25 August 2020);

Microwave radiation

Condensed matter


Radio propagation

Condensed matter physics

Photonic crystals

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