12 November 2020 Variations of atmospheric-electrical quantities in the surface layer during severe frosts in Siberia
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Proceedings Volume 11560, 26th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics; 115606V (2020)
Event: 26th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, 2020, Moscow, Russian Federation
The influence of severe frosts in the cold season, accompanied by ice fog creation, on the atmospheric-electric and meteorological quantities in the urban surface atmosphere in Siberia is considered. The assumption that a decrease of electric field potential gradient (∇φ) and an increase of air electrical conductivity (λ±) in the surface atmosphere during severe and prolonged frosts are caused by the changes of the fog particles phase state (liquid to crystalline) and the shape of ice crystals at temperature below –16°C and by the decrease of absolute humidity at temperatures below –35°C was made.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Petr M. Nagorskiy, Vladimir I. Kozlov, Konstantin N. Pustovalov, Sergei V. Smirnov, and Anatoliy A. Toropov "Variations of atmospheric-electrical quantities in the surface layer during severe frosts in Siberia", Proc. SPIE 11560, 26th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, 115606V (12 November 2020);
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