5 November 2020 Lens design for high numerical aperture achromatic diffraction imaging
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An efficient design method based on the vector diffraction theory is presented for high numerical aperture achromatic imaging lenses (HADLs). Simultaneously achieving high numerical aperture and achromatic performance puts extremely demanding requirements on the design of HADLs. Therefor an efficient numerical technique is devised by combining the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method with improved binary search algorithm and thus sets up a routing to facilitate the smooth connecting between vector diffraction computing with optimizing iteration. Furthermore by taking advantage of lens symmetry when optimizing the phase transmission function, tremendous computational resources saves. By taking advantage of FDTD rigorous electromagnetic computing and choosing carefully parameters, search strategy and objective function, optimal solution is obtained and the search time is very short. To validate the proposed method, a HADLs with focal length f=3.5um and numerical apertures (NA) of 0.753 is designed and focusing efficiency of over 30% across the visible light wavelength is obtained by numerical evaluation. A brief comparing with scalar diffraction theory is also carried out.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
ZhangMing Xu, GuiZhu Wang, Sui Wei, Chuan Shen, and Bo Tao "Lens design for high numerical aperture achromatic diffraction imaging", Proc. SPIE 11564, AOPC 2020: Optoelectronics and Nanophotonics; and Quantum Information Technology, 115640E (5 November 2020);
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Binary data

Finite-difference time-domain method

Lens design



Diffractive optical elements

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