In recent years, semiconductor demands have been growing to support on-line activity. And the needs of productivity improvement amongst chipmaker is higher than ever. ArFi light source’s modules life shall be targeting to one year cycle, and light source’s availability is improving is subjected as push to the limit and demonstrating an improvement year over year. To improve wafer output efficiency more, we need to focus not only on module lifetime extension but focus on to lithocell availability improvement which enabled by the alignment with PM time slot of the other scanner’s sub modules or chipmaker’s production cycle requirement in multiple year scale. Given these facts, this paper discusses Availability Maximization software function as Availability Maximization which is supported by the lightsource’s module replacement cycle extension by introducing emerging technologies and maintenance time reduction and optimization to fit into lithocell PM slot. Therefore, it provides the highest tool availability to chipmaker HVM environment invented by Giagaphoton’s unique and comprehensive solution.