5 March 2021 Longitudinal evolution of neurovascular coupling during stroke recovery
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We present the use of intrinsic optical signal imaging to monitor the progression of ischemic stroke in the acute and chronic phases of recovery. An optimized mouse photothrombosis stroke model is used to induce stroke in the sensory forelimb area and longitudinal recovery is assessed using resting state functional connectivity as well as forelimb stimulation. These functional measures are then correlated with behavioral outcome assessed with a forelimb asymmetry test. Obtaining measures in both the acute and chronic phases of recovery will enable better interpretation of human functional neuroimaging stroke studies and allow their use in understanding acute stroke.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Smrithi Sunil, Sefik Evren Erdener, Sreekanth Kura, Jianbo Tang, Dmitry Postnov, Xiaojun Cheng, John Jiang, Kivilcim Kilic, and David Boas "Longitudinal evolution of neurovascular coupling during stroke recovery", Proc. SPIE 11629, Optical Techniques in Neurosurgery, Neurophotonics, and Optogenetics, 1162923 (5 March 2021);
Stroke recovery

Neurovascular coupling



Intrinsic optical signal imaging

Ischemic stroke


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