5 March 2021 Learnable-pattern scanning based deep compressed imaging
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We present a new deep compressed imaging modality by scanning a learned illumination pattern on the sample and detecting the signal with a single-pixel detector. This new imaging modality allows a compressed sampling of the object, and thus a high imaging speed. The object is reconstructed through a deep neural network inspired by compressed sensing algorithm. We optimize the illumination pattern and the image reconstruction network by training an end-to-end auto-encoder framework. Comparing with the conventional single-pixel camera and point-scanning imaging system, we accomplish a high-speed imaging with a reduced light dosage, while preserving a high imaging quality.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kangning Zhang, Junjie Hu, and Weijian Yang "Learnable-pattern scanning based deep compressed imaging", Proc. SPIE 11654, High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy VI, 1165413 (5 March 2021);
Imaging systems

High speed imaging


Algorithm development

Compressed sensing

Detection and tracking algorithms

Reconstruction algorithms


Road surveillance using a team of small UAVs
Proceedings of SPIE (April 30 2009)
Tracking targets in multiplexed imagery
Proceedings of SPIE (August 25 2009)
Compressive and adaptive imaging for target exploitation
Proceedings of SPIE (August 24 2009)

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