Many surfaces in nature, e.g. lotus leaf, exhibit superhydrophobicity. Some of the most attractive applications of these surfaces are based on their self-cleaning properties and anti-icing capability. Many strategies are used by researchers to replicate these natural phenomena on metallic substrates. Among them, short/ultrashort pulsed laser technologies can functionalize surfaces with micro/nano-textures enabling strong water-repellent properties and low adhesiveness, which represent a promising solution to anti-icing properties. In this work, several patterns of micro-structures were textured by femtosecond laser on metallic materials of aeronautic and aerospace interest. The wettability properties of the surfaces were investigated in terms of water contact angle (CA) under different ambient conditions. The reversibility of the sample superhydrophobicity after exposure to a highly humid environment was studied. Water-dripping tests were carried out at subzero temperature finding that, while the untreated samples were covered with ice, no frozen spot was observed on the superhydrophobic textured surfaces.