Poster + Paper
5 March 2021 Dispersive effects on a diffractive optical element
Seongmin Im, Gwiyeong Moon, Donghyun Kim
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
In this study, we investigate dispersive effects of a wire-grid polarizer (WGP) in imaging polarimetry. Dispersion in periodic structures such as WGP may cause dispersive misregistration in images captured in the far-field imaging system. As a measure of performance, we defined off-axis non-uniformity (NToff) and extinction ratio (ERoff) to evaluate non-uniformity induced by off-axis imaging scene. Similarly, we considered metrics to evaluate dispersive effects as wavelength-dependent non-uniformity in extinction ratio (NERλ) and transmittance (NTλ). Significant non-uniformity in the performance of a WGP was measured: the highest non-uniformity was obtained as |NToff|max = 0.93211 at Λ = 400 nm and |NERoff|max = 0.93624 at Λ = 600 nm, while |NTλ|max = 0.84935 at Λ = 400 nm and |NERλ|max = 0.90139 at Λ = 300 nm. We also present images in imaging polarimetry that suffers from dispersive effects.
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Seongmin Im, Gwiyeong Moon, and Donghyun Kim "Dispersive effects on a diffractive optical element", Proc. SPIE 11680, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXIX, 116801C (5 March 2021);
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Diffractive optical elements

Diffraction gratings




Imaging systems

Negative refraction

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