5 March 2021 Exploring the parameter space of broadband all-dielectric liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces in the visible
Haogang Cai, James A. Dolan, Lily Delalande, Juan J. de Pablo, Paul F. Nealey, Daniel Lopez
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Metasurfaces infiltrated with liquid crystals have become a particularly promising means of tuning their optical properties, due to liquid crystals’ large and broadband optical anisotropy. In order to fully explore the parameter space of broadband all-dielectric liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces in the visible, we undertake a comprehensive study based on TiO2 nanoresonator superarrays, sweeping geometric parameters (i.e. disc radius and disc-to-disc gap). We demonstrate both electrical and thermal switching, and visualize the resonance change caused by either the orientation or phase change of liquid crystal, which provides a practical library for the rational design of liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Haogang Cai, James A. Dolan, Lily Delalande, Juan J. de Pablo, Paul F. Nealey, and Daniel Lopez "Exploring the parameter space of broadband all-dielectric liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces in the visible", Proc. SPIE 11695, High Contrast Metastructures X, 116950T (5 March 2021);
Liquid crystals

Near field optics

Optical properties

Space operations



Titanium dioxide

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