We have successfully tested 290 μm diameter, 2.4 micron wavelength, Extended InGaAs photodiodes coupled with single mode fiber using 50 MeV Protons at both dry ice temperature (-75 °C) and room temperature (20 °C). The devices were reverse biased at 100 mV during the radiation run and their leakage current was continuously monitored insitu during the exposure. These devices find multiple applications in space for spectroscopy and sensing, inter-satellite optical communication links, rapid Doppler shift LIDAR, as well as inter-planetary and Earth-to-Moon communication links. Several photodiodes were tested using 50 MeV Protons with an average flux level of 2.11 × 107 protons/cm2 /s, for a total fluence of 1.0 × 1011 protons/cm2 and total dose of 20 krad (water). Pre- and post-radiation results were also measured for leakage current vs. voltage, responsivity (quantum efficiency), and bandwidth of the Extended InGaAs photodiodes. All devices were found to be fully functional at normal operating conditions and at both dry ice and room temperature.