Vehicular Communication Systems are a type of network in which vehicles and roadside units are the communicating nodes, providing each other with information, such as safety warnings and traffic information. In this paper, a traffic controlled intersection is analyzed by using microsimulation. A Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication scenario is stablished and a mesh cellular hybrid network configuration is used. The concept of request/response and relative pose estimation for the management of the trajectory is used, in a two-way-two-way traffic lights controlled crossroad, using Vehicular Visible Light Communication (V-VLC). The connected vehicles receive information from the network and interact with each other and with the infrastructure. In parallel, an intersection manager (IM) coordinates the crossroad and interacts with the vehicles (I2V) using the response distance, the pose estimation and the temporal/space relative pose concepts. The communication between the infrastructures and the vehicles (I2V), between vehicles (V2V) and from the vehicles to the infrastructures (V2I) is performed through V-VLC using the street lamps, the traffic signaling and the headlamps to broadcast the information. Data is encoded, modulated and converted into light signals emitted by the transmitters. Tetra-chromatic white sources are used providing a different data channel for each chip. As receivers and decoders, SiC Wavelength Division Multiplexer (WDM) optical sensor, with light filtering properties, are used. Cooperative localization is realized in a distributed way with the incorporation of the indirect V2V relative pose estimation method. A phasing traffic flow is developed, as Proof of Concept (PoC), to control the arrival of vehicles to the intersection and schedule them to cross at times that minimize delays, A generic model of cooperative transmission based on the graphical representation of indirect relative poses estimation (simultaneous localization and mapping) is analysed. The block diagram expresses that the vehicle’s behavior (successive poses) is mainly influenced by the manoeuvre permission and presence of other vehicles. Results show that the cooperative I2V and V2V messages and the intersection redesigned layout are important issues on traffic control with least dependency on infrastructure.