Presentation + Paper
9 October 2021 Deep-learning-based deflectometry for simultaneous multi-surface measurement of freeform refractive optics
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Due to the highly general surface geometry of freeform optics, the measurement of freeform optical surfaces is still a challenging and rewarding issue. Here, we propose a simultaneous multi-surface measurement method based on deep learning for freeform refractive optics, in which the surfaces are reconstructed based on the transmitted wavefront measured with computer-aided deflectometry. By adopting the deep learning approaches in geometrical error calibration and wavefront reconstruction, both the efficiency and robustness is significantly improved, and the surface measurement accuracy in the order of nanometers can be achieved. The proposed method provides an effective, robust and accurate way for testing freeform refractive optics with multiple surfaces and a large slope range
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhendong Wu, Daodang Wang, Jinchao Dou, Ming Kong, Lihua Lei, and Rongguang Liang "Deep-learning-based deflectometry for simultaneous multi-surface measurement of freeform refractive optics", Proc. SPIE 11895, Optical Design and Testing XI, 1189504 (9 October 2021);
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Freeform optics



Wavefront reconstruction

Reconstruction algorithms

Neural networks


Aligning and testing non-null optical system with deflectometry
Proceedings of SPIE (September 08 2014)
Iterative surface construction for blind deflectometry
Proceedings of SPIE (September 27 2016)
Surface reconstruction by using Zernike polynomials
Proceedings of SPIE (June 30 2016)
Wavefront integration from difference data
Proceedings of SPIE (February 05 1993)
Subaperture stitching based on Hartmann wavefront sensor
Proceedings of SPIE (October 11 2010)
Testing of telescope optics: a new approach
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1990)

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