This work investigates a monolithic slotted Y-branch diode laser as a beating source to drive a continuous wave Terahertz spectrometer. Both arms of the Y-branch laser exhibit spectral selective feedback, which causes simultaneous emission at two frequencies. At first, a thorough optical characterisation with 5400 individual setpoints is performed to find the best point of operation. Two operational regimes with difference frequencies of 1 THz ± 10.5 GHz and 0.85 THz ± 6.5 GHz were identified. While validating the laser as a beating source to drive a cw-THz spectrometer, it was demonstrated that the device supports current-induced tuning of the emitted difference frequency. This technique allows frequency sweeps in the terahertz regime that can be used to measure the transmitted field without a mechanical delay stage. Finally, this technique is demonstrated to independently determine the thickness and refractive index of high resistive float zone silicon wafers of 2, 3.5, 4 and 8 mm thickness without a priori knowledge.