Presentation + Paper
8 March 2023 MHz time stretch swept source using a commercial erbium-doped fiber amplifier
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A MHz akinetic swept source is demonstrated by incorporating a commercial Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier into a fiber laser cavity assembly. Such laser is brought into mode-locking based on nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR). After the laser, a dispersion compensating fiber is employed to time-stretch the broadband pulses obtained. Different cavity lengths are evaluated, leading to sweeping rates from 0.9 MHz to 9.65 MHz. A maximum of 67 nm bandwidth has been achieved. The swept source has been characterized using a Master-Slave procedure, obtaining an almost linear sweep.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Martínez Jiménez, M. Spacek, M. Wacker, R. Huber, A. Bradu, and A. Podoleanu "MHz time stretch swept source using a commercial erbium-doped fiber amplifier", Proc. SPIE 12367, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVII, 1236706 (8 March 2023);
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Mode locking

Optical coherence tomography


Optical amplifiers

Optical isolators

Fiber amplifiers

Laser applications


Simple passively modelocked fiber laser oscillator
Proceedings of SPIE (February 15 1994)
High-power short-pulse fiber lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (January 11 2007)
Raman fiber preamplifier for 200 km 10 Gbit s DWDM...
Proceedings of SPIE (August 27 2003)

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