Presentation + Paper
13 June 2023 A graphical user interface for multi-modal operating condition sampling
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Synthetic data is often leveraged for training and testing Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) systems on a variety of operating conditions (OCs). Existing mechanisms for creating the sampling distribution of OCs to generate this data are difficult to visualize, modify, and extend. To address this, we created a user interface and toolchain for multi-modal OC sampling from probabilistic graphical models (PGMs). Our web browser-based interface allows for visualizing the PGMs, modifying the conditional probability distributions of their nodes, importing and exporting their state, operation in single- or multi-modality configurations, and persisting generated samples to a relational database. The Vue-driven web interface, programmatic interface, as well as the Python machinery for OC sampling and persistence have been containerized to allow for simplified deployment and distribution. The work described here supplies a new baseline for OC generation for single- and multi-sensor simulation and fusion.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Charles Hill, Adam Nolan, Shaun Stephens, Patrick Bischof, and Matthew Scherreik "A graphical user interface for multi-modal operating condition sampling", Proc. SPIE 12529, Synthetic Data for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Tools, Techniques, and Applications, 125290D (13 June 2023);
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Data modeling


Synthetic aperture radar


Electro optical modeling


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