Proceedings Volume 12583, Applying Laser-driven Particle Acceleration III: Using Distinctive Energetic Particle and Photon Sources; 1258305 (2023)
Event: SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
Online Publication Date: 8 June 2023
Erratum Published: 3 October 2023
A revised version of this manuscript was published on 3 October 2023. Details of the revision are provided in the text that accompanies this Erratum. The original paper has been updated.
Publisher’s Note: This paper, [SPIE Applying Laser-driven Particle Acceleration III: Using Distinctive Energetic Particle and Photon Sources; 1258305 (2023)] was originally published on 8 June 2023.
1) In the Abstract, the first sentence was split into two and the value for the laser intensity was updated.
Before: The new short focal length experimental beamline at the BELLA PW, called iP2, was commissioned up to 17 J laser pulse energy, corresponding to a peak intensity of 1.2x1021 W/cm2 on target, based on a measured focal spot size with FWHM 2.7 μm and Gaussian equivalent pulse length of 40 fs.
After: The new short focal length experimental beamline at the BELLA PW, called iP2, was commissioned up to 17 J laser pulse energy. At best compression, this corresponds to a peak intensity of 3x1021 W/cm2 on target, based on a measured focal spot size with FWHM 2.7 μm and Gaussian equivalent pulse length of 40 fs.
2) Updates consistent with those in 1) were made to the Laser Focus section and two sentences were added to provide detail on the laser intensity during ion acceleration experiments.
The energy fraction contained within w0 was 71%. A laser pulse length of 40 fs (Gaussian equivalent) was measured independently via frequency-resolved optical gating (Grenouille). After removal of the attenuation, this results in a peak intensity of 1.2x1021 W/cm2 at 17 J pulse energy.
The energy fraction contained within w0 was 60%. At best compression, the BELLA PW laser pulse length is 40 fs (Gaussian equivalent), with an energy-normalized peak power of 25 TW/J.1 After removal of all attenuation, this results in a peak intensity on target of 3x1021 W/cm2 at 17 J pulse energy. Ion acceleration results described in the following section were executed at a non-optimal laser pulse spectral phase, as measured with a Grenouille. As a result, a maximum normalized peak power of 18 TW/J was achieved, corresponding to a peak intensity of 2x1021 W/cm2 on target. In the future, the spectral phase will be better compensated to achieve the maximum peak intensity in iP2 experiments.
3) The laser intensity was also updated in the Conclusion section.
At this pulse energy, a peak intensity of 1.2x1021 W/cm2 on target is estimated based on a measured focal spot size of 2.7 μm (FWHM) and the laser pulse length of 40 fs (Gaussian equivalent).
At this pulse energy, a peak intensity of 3x1021 W/cm2 on target is estimated based on a measured focal spot size of 2.7 μm (FWHM) and the laser pulse length of 40 fs (Gaussian equivalent) at best compression.
4) There was a typo in the 3rd sentence of the conclusion section, “with few μm thick foil targets”, which is now corrected.