23 May 2023 Microcavity in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer and electrochemical assays combined for cell monitoring system
Tomasz Gabler, Karthika Kappalakandy Valapil, Elżbieta Jarosińska, Andrzej Krześniak, Monika Janik, Marcin Koba, Emilia Witkowska-Nery, Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka, Mateusz Śmietana
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Proceedings Volume 12643, European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2023); 1264312 (2023)
Event: European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2023), 2023, Mons, Belgium
Nowadays, multi-domain systems are crucial for accurate measurements since they improve error avoidance in empirical observations by supplementing one domain with the other. Such an approach also yields more useful information about the sample under study. In this work, we present the results obtained from a sensing system composed of a microcavity inline Mach-Zehnder interferometer (μIMZI) combined with indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes, which is the first approach to two-domain, real-time, and label-free observation of cell behavior. The µIMZI structure was manufactured with a femtosecond laser ablation process in the side surface of single-mode optical fiber. It is susceptible to refractive index (RI) change within its volume, i.e., hundreds of picolitres. The μIMZI sensitivity to RI reaches over 15,000 nm/RIU. The μIMZI was attached to the glass plate with eight ITO electrodes formed using laser irradiation. This optical and electrochemical domain system was used for cell medium measurements, followed by one hour of HepG2 cells monitoring. Finally, trypsin was added to the solution, and its effects on the HepG2 cells were investigated optically and electrochemically. The presented monitoring setup and obtained results are proof of concept for a multi-domain cell monitoring system.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tomasz Gabler, Karthika Kappalakandy Valapil, Elżbieta Jarosińska, Andrzej Krześniak, Monika Janik, Marcin Koba, Emilia Witkowska-Nery, Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka, and Mateusz Śmietana "Microcavity in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer and electrochemical assays combined for cell monitoring system", Proc. SPIE 12643, European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2023), 1264312 (23 May 2023);
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Optical microcavities

Mach-Zehnder interferometers

Optical sensing




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