3 October 2023 High efficiency x-ray sources
A. Ganguly, A. Shiroma, F. Toufexis, S. G. Tantawi
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We have developed high efficiency, variable-energy x-ray sources based on distributed coupling linacs. These linear accelerators have >2x beam-to-RF efficiency compared to conventional linacs. Separate feeds for cavities allow for their individual optimization for maximum output instead of feeding the RF power through the electron-beam pipe as is done conventionally. In addition, the framework for beam dynamics calculation accounts for beam loading in the cavities and iterates till a steady state solution is achieved. The linac cavities are machined into two symmetric blocks of copper that are diffusion-bonded together. The ports for RF feed, the flanges for the electron gun and the target are then brazed on. Special attention was paid to the mechanical design and assembly process to enable high yield production. Our linacs have an integrated buncher section where the first cavity has a separate feed. By controlling the amplitude and phase of the RF into this port, the beam energy and intensity can be varied. We have completed the design and are in various stages of building and high-power testing linacs for 2.5, 6 and 12 MeV for medical and for security and inspection purposes. We have also designed and are building the RF and electrical power sources including high power modulators and klystrons for supplying the RF and electrical power needed to run these linacs. The modulators are built using Marx-bank capacitor approach. The klystrons design follows a split-structure manufacturing technique, and their design fully accounts for beam loading with iteratively calculated steady state solution.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Ganguly, A. Shiroma, F. Toufexis, and S. G. Tantawi "High efficiency x-ray sources", Proc. SPIE 12696, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXV, 1269604 (3 October 2023);
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Design and modelling

X-ray sources


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