Poster + Paper
27 November 2023 Demonstration of all-optical switching system based on ultrafast tunable lasers based on DFB laser arrays
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Conference Poster
The all-optical switching system can effectively solve problems such as transmission delay and bottleneck bandwidth. And it has significant advantages in reducing data center costs and improving its transmission characteristics. The basic idea of this study is to achieve ultra-low power consumption, ultra-low latency, and ultra-low cost switching networks through the all-optical switching system. Due to the advantages of high bandwidth and low loss, all-optical switching system are expected to replace the existing electric switching communication network in Data Center. For this system, we produced a fast tunable laser array (C-band, 16-channel, 100 GHz-space) with a switching delay of 5 ns. Each wavelength is within the error range of the channel wavelength stipulated by the Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) under the ITU-T channel standard during tuning. Based on the above-mentioned laser sources, the drive control unit of the array-type tunable DFB laser was prepared, and a DWDM all-optical switching system test bed with an arrayed waveguide grating router as the core was built. Define the above laser, drive control unit and modulator as a node that can achieve arbitrary routing in the all-optical switching system mentioned above through wavelength control. A stable data switching and transmission of 20.48 Gb/s is demonstrated, in which four nodes with four different wavelengths are adopted, and full cross routes are realized.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qi Sun, Leilei Wang, Manghang Zheng, Chuanbo Zhang, Xin Zhou, Cheng Yang, Zhiqian Yin, Zhewen Liu, Yaguang Wang, Tao Fang, and Xiangfei Chen "Demonstration of all-optical switching system based on ultrafast tunable lasers based on DFB laser arrays", Proc. SPIE 12761, Semiconductor Lasers and Applications XIII, 1276115 (27 November 2023);
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All optical switching

Optical switching

Tunable lasers

Field programmable gate arrays

Ultrafast phenomena


Data transmission


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