28 November 2023 Real-time aimer based on special-shaped microlens and optical fiber bundle
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High precision alignment between the fiber core in the focal plane and the image of the target star is of great significance for the observation of multi-target telescopes. In this work, we propose and demonstrate a Special-shaped Micro-lens Aimer for Real-time Targeting, namely SMART, combining a special-shaped microlens and a fiber bundle to realize online alignment and improve the coupling efficiency of fibers. The platform in the center of the microlens transmits the starlight to the science fiber of the fiber bundle without changes in focal ratio. Six side micro-lenses couple leakage light to six feedback fibers and return misalignment signals. The structural parameters of SMART are well designed. Fresnel diffraction theory is applied to build a model for simulating the performance of SMART. In the SMART measurement, a pinhole with a diameter of 200 μm is used to imitate the effect of atmospheric turbulence during astronomical observations. Experimental results indicate that when the image spot is offset relative to the science fiber, the misaligned direction and displacement distance are identified by the signal of feedback fibers in SMART with a resolution of 0.02 mm and a detection range of 0.08 mm to 0.26 mm.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anzhi Wang, Jiabin Wang, Zhaoxu Gan, Yuxiang Yan, Shengjia Wang, Qi Yan, Tao Geng, Shuang Chen, Pengfei Wang, and Weimin Sun "Real-time aimer based on special-shaped microlens and optical fiber bundle", Proc. SPIE 12764, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration XII, 127640N (28 November 2023);
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