21 August 2023 Research on a personalized classifier of health status based on pulse signal
Xiaoping Jiang, Leli Sun, Shuyao Feng, Zhuojing Li, Ying Chen, Xingzhuo Chen, Chunman Wang, Aolai He
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Proceedings Volume 12783, International Conference on Images, Signals, and Computing (ICISC 2023); 127830F (2023)
Event: International Conference on Images, Signals, and Computing (ICISC2023), 2023, Chengdu, China
At present, the workload of mental workers in society is getting heavier and heavier, and it is necessary to assess their health status. Compared with other physiological signals, the pulse is easy to obtain and non-invasive. In this paper, through pulse signal detection, pulse data preprocessing and feature extraction, 12 sets of feature values are selected. Then based on these feature data, using support vector machine algorithm modeling, for different testers to build different personalized human physiological state discrimination system. The experimental results show that the classification accuracy rate reaches 91.17%, which proves that the selected feature value has a strong correlation with the physiological state, and the classifier is effective.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaoping Jiang, Leli Sun, Shuyao Feng, Zhuojing Li, Ying Chen, Xingzhuo Chen, Chunman Wang, and Aolai He "Research on a personalized classifier of health status based on pulse signal", Proc. SPIE 12783, International Conference on Images, Signals, and Computing (ICISC 2023), 127830F (21 August 2023);
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Pulse signals

Feature extraction

Support vector machines

Data modeling


Design and modelling

Signal detection

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