16 October 2023 A vehicle trajectory collection and query system based on crowd sensing
Xu Chen, Yufei Du, Xiangyu Sun, Zezhong Xu
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Proceedings Volume 12803, Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2023); 1280329 (2023)
Event: 2023 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2023), 2023, Wuhan, China
Vehicle trajectory information is important for intelligent traffic management. By considering the problems of vehicle trajectory acquisition, a trajectory data collection system that exploits the crowd sensing techniques is proposed in this paper. The smartphone is used to collect vehicle trajectory data. The system consists of trajectory data collection terminal, trajectory data server, and trajectory query terminal. The collection terminal uses a smartphone to take photos of the preceding vehicles and recognize the license plates. It is uploaded to the trajectory data server along with the timestamp and location. The server receives and stores the trajectory data from all mobile collection terminals. The query terminal queries the driving trajectory of a specified vehicle during a specified period from the trajectory database. The queried results are visualized on an electronic map. The proposed system is tested in urban scenes. The experimental results show its feasibility and availability. The designed system for vehicle trajectory collection and query expands the scene of vehicle perception and improves the real-time trajectory data collection. It can be applied to vehicle intelligence management in the field of intelligent transportation.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xu Chen, Yufei Du, Xiangyu Sun, and Zezhong Xu "A vehicle trajectory collection and query system based on crowd sensing", Proc. SPIE 12803, Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2023), 1280329 (16 October 2023);
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