15 November 2023 Gridless high-resolution sparse ISAR imaging method based on atomic norm minimization with Hankel-Toeplitz model
Ran Lai, Sui Wang, Tao Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 12815, International Conference on Remote Sensing, Mapping, and Geographic Systems (RSMG 2023); 128150N (2023)
Event: International Conference on Remote Sensing, Mapping, and Geographic Systems (RSMG 2023), 2023, Kaifeng, China
In practical applications of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR), continuous long-time observation is not allowed due to transmission errors or noise interference. An effective way to reconstruct missing data would be to apply the sparse recovery (SR) method. However, the traditional SR methods need to discretization the parameter space, which inevitably leads to grid mismatch. The atomic norm minimization (ANM) method based on a continuous parameter estimation model can effectively eliminate the impact of grid mismatch and achieve high-resolution ISAR imaging. In this study, a sparse ISAR imaging method based on atomic norm minimization with Hankel-Toeplitz (ANM-HT) model was proposed to obtain better imaging performance. By reformulating the ANM-HT as semi-definite programming (SDP), the complete echo data can be recovered using SDP3 solvers. Real data results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ran Lai, Sui Wang, and Tao Zhang "Gridless high-resolution sparse ISAR imaging method based on atomic norm minimization with Hankel-Toeplitz model", Proc. SPIE 12815, International Conference on Remote Sensing, Mapping, and Geographic Systems (RSMG 2023), 128150N (15 November 2023);
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