Poster + Paper
18 July 2024 Performance analysis of SCALES final optical design: end to end modeling
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Conference Poster
The SCALES instrument is a high-contrast imager and integral field spectrograph that operates in the infrared wavelength and is intended to be utilized behind W.M. Keck Observatory’s adaptive optics system. The instrument operates over a broad wavelength range from 1.0 to 5.0 μm. The instrument includes a microlens array-based integral field spectrograph that is used with slicer optics and allows for low (R ∼ 35 - 250) and moderate (R ∼ 2000 - 6500) spectral resolution spectroscopy. We have implemented end-to-end modeling of the SCALES instrument optics using both geometric optics and physical optics. This analysis has been useful to understand the spectral formats, spectral resolution, and point spread functions. We have also modeled the geometric PSF from lenslets and combined it with the diffraction effects to model the crosstalk between the closely spaced lenslet spectra. The psf modeling are being integrated with the SCALES simulator to simulate realistic data products that are being used to develop the SCALES data pipeline.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Arun Surya, Renate Kupke, Deno Stelter, Phil Hinz, Stephanie Sallum, Amirul Hasan, Andrew Skemer, Sivarani Thirupathi, Ravinder Banyal, and Athira Unni "Performance analysis of SCALES final optical design: end to end modeling", Proc. SPIE 13096, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 130966W (18 July 2024);
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Optical design

Point spread functions

Tunable filters

Optical filters


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