19 July 2024 Optical design and analysis of calibration system for SCALES instrument
Amirul Hasan, Ravinder K. Banyal, Renate Kupke, Andrew J. Skemer, Ajin Prakash, Sivarani Thirupathi, Deno Stelter, Ramya Sethuram, Arun Surya, Nick MacDonald, Steph Sallum, Mackenzie Lach, Scott Lilley
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SCALES, which stands for Slicer Combined with Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy, is a next-generation instrument planned for the Keck observatory. Primarily, the instrument will do high-contrast imaging and integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of directly imaged exoplanets in a 2.0–5.2 µm wavelength band. The IFS channel of SCALES offers low-resolution (R=35-250) and medium-resolution (R=2500-7000) modes, for the discovery and spectral characterisation of the atmospheres of cold, high-mass exoplanets, and brown-dwarfs with temperatures <600 K. The array of lenslet/slenslit yields multiple spectra in each frame, forming a 3D spectral cube (x, y, λi) of the spatial scene. To facilitate the spectral extraction, a robust calibration system is required to measure the point spread function (PSF) of the IFS at different wavelengths and spatial locations. This calibration system is strategically integrated before the telescope's focus and adoptive optics system, playing a dual role: generating the telescope beam and forming a pupil that aligns with the Keck's pupil before reaching SCALES. In this work, we describe the calibration requirements, design, analysis, and functionality.
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Amirul Hasan, Ravinder K. Banyal, Renate Kupke, Andrew J. Skemer, Ajin Prakash, Sivarani Thirupathi, Deno Stelter, Ramya Sethuram, Arun Surya, Nick MacDonald, Steph Sallum, Mackenzie Lach, and Scott Lilley "Optical design and analysis of calibration system for SCALES instrument", Proc. SPIE 13096, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 130966X (19 July 2024);
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