In the upcoming generation of Extremely Large Telescopes the impact of the turbulent atmosphere is corrected by Adaptive Optics (AO) system. However, the quality of astronomical images is still degraded due to the time delay stemming from the wavefront sensor integration time and adjustment of the deformable mirror (DM). This results in a blur which can be mathematically described by a convolution of the original image with the PSF of the instrument, telescope and residual atmospheric perturbations. The PSF of an astronomical image varies with the position in the observed field, which is a crucial aspect in observations on ELTs. We adapted existing techniques to reconstruct the PSF from telemetry data to make them feasible for the needs of MICADO and MORFEO. In particular, we use an approach for atmospheric tomography with a time series of AO telemetry data in SCAO mode. In MCAO mode, we use a tomographic reconstruction as performed within the RTC. Our results are obtained for a simulated ELT setting in Octopus and Compass, as well as for on-sky data from ERIS@VLT. We further discuss the implementation strategy in order to have a computational and memory efficient software.