Presentation + Paper
30 September 2024 Low-latency immersive content streaming over 5G networks using JPEG XS
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With the constant increase in video resolution and frame rate, notably those required for immersive applications, there is a need for efficient and reliable coding technologies suitable for very high visual quality delivery with very low latency. Immersive applications can use the low latency and high bandwidth throughput of 5G networks for increased mobility. JPEG XS is a low-complexity coding standard that can be implemented with very low latency. It is designed to provide visually lossless quality while offering compression efficiency, making it suitable for immersive applications that rely on video content. This paper reports a quality evaluation of omnidirectional video using 360° test sequences coded with JPEG XS. A subjective quality experiment was performed using an alternating double-stimulus method in a VR environment, where subjects could freely commute between the reference and distorted video. Test sequences were encoded at five different bitrates, ranging from 0.35 bpp to 2 bpp. These bitrates are suitable for real-time high-resolution video transmission over 5G networks. It was concluded that JPEG XS provides an effective low-latency solution suitable for high-quality immersive applications using 5G networks.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rafael Rodrigues, Antonio M. G. Pinheiro, and Touradj Ebrahimi "Low-latency immersive content streaming over 5G networks using JPEG XS", Proc. SPIE 13137, Applications of Digital Image Processing XLVII, 131370Q (30 September 2024);
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