Presentation + Paper
3 October 2024 PACE OCI on-orbit solar calibration
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The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission, recently launched on February 8, 2024, has a payload of two polarimeters and the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). OCI is the next generation sensor for ocean color science from low Earth orbit, drawing heritage from sensors such as MODIS and SeaWiFs, but with increased spectral coverage and improved accuracy. OCI is a grating spectrometer with hyperspectral coverage from the ultraviolet (about 315 nm) to near-infrared (about 895 nm), with additional filtered channels in the short-wave infrared (940 nm – 2260 nm). In order to maintain the high levels of accuracy demanded by the science community, the sensor calibration is monitored on-orbit through daily observations of the Sun. These solar observations are made via one of two quasi-volume diffusers, whose BRDF was measured prior to launch, during a dedicated spacecraft maneuver. One diffuser is used on a daily basis, while the other is used on a monthly basis to track any changes in the daily diffuser performance. These solar observations are used to monitor variations in the instrument gain over time for all spectral bands, and update the gain in the calibration algorithm. The methodology used to estimate the gain variation and the results of this variation since launch are presented in this work.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeff McIntire, Shihyan Lee, Robert E. Eplee, and Gerhard Meister "PACE OCI on-orbit solar calibration", Proc. SPIE 13143, Earth Observing Systems XXIX, 131430M (3 October 2024);
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Short wave infrared radiation

Charge-coupled devices

Bidirectional reflectance transmission function


CCD image sensors


Progress in BRDF calibration measurements in the SWIR
Proceedings of SPIE (August 21 2009)
Solar radiation based calibration in the range 740 to 2400...
Proceedings of SPIE (December 28 1999)
Global imager's onboard calibration (VNIR-SWIR)
Proceedings of SPIE (January 18 2002)
First results from GLI’s solar calibration
Proceedings of SPIE (November 10 2003)

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