13 June 2024 Application of improved sparrow search algorithm in wave compensation
Ao Hu, Yunhan Lin, Yaojie Chen
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Proceedings Volume 13180, International Conference on Image, Signal Processing, and Pattern Recognition (ISPP 2024); 131804D (2024)
Event: International Conference on Image, Signal Processing, and Pattern Recognition (ISPP 2024), 2024, Guangzhou, China
To solve the problem of ship heave motion in harsh marine environments, which affects the positioning accuracy and safety of its robotic arm, this paper adopts a PID parameter optimization method based on Tent cold light source improved sparrow search algorithm. Firstly, utilizing Tent chaotic mapping to enhance the diversity of sparrow populations, and inspired by the fluorescence attraction effect in the firefly algorithm, this paper perturbs sparrows with a cold light source strategy to obtain better positions and improve their search performance. Secondly, simulation experiments were conducted to optimize the PID control system using improved algorithms. The results showed that compared with the three population intelligent optimization algorithm, the improved algorithmhad better convergence accuracy, system response speed, and stability. Finally, the improved algorithmwas applied to the actual experiment of compensating for the heave direction at the end of a shipborne robotic arm. The comparison of the four algorithms in compensating for the height difference in the heave direction showed that the improved algorithm had the best heave compensation effect, reflecting the effectiveness of the algorithm in engineering applications. This provides a certain reference for the active compensation of swarm intelligence optimization algorithms in the heave direction of ships.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ao Hu, Yunhan Lin, and Yaojie Chen "Application of improved sparrow search algorithm in wave compensation", Proc. SPIE 13180, International Conference on Image, Signal Processing, and Pattern Recognition (ISPP 2024), 131804D (13 June 2024);
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Mathematical optimization

Control systems




Detection and tracking algorithms

Image processing algorithms and systems

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