31 December 2024 Measurement of surface form of freeform optics using non-contact multiwavelength interferometry
Jayesh A. Navare, Neil Fitzgibbon, Gabrielle Le Doeuff
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This paper investigates the feasibility of measuring surface form of freeform optics using non-contact multiwavelength interferometry. A bi-conic lens, which is one of the most fundamental freeform optics, was measured on a non-contact multiwavelength interferometer. This lens was characterized by two infinite (flat) radii of curvature along x- and ydirection and two aspheric terms along each direction. Peak-to-valley (PV), root mean square (RMS), and radius of curvature (RoC) parameters were evaluated to characterize the surface form of this lens. To evaluate the measurement repeatability, 5 consecutive measurements were performed on this lens, and it was observed that the standard deviation (3) of PV and RMS was around 29.3 nm and 3.8 nm respectively.
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Jayesh A. Navare, Neil Fitzgibbon, and Gabrielle Le Doeuff "Measurement of surface form of freeform optics using non-contact multiwavelength interferometry", Proc. SPIE 13487, Optics and Photonics International Congress 2024, 134870Q (31 December 2024);
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Freeform optics

Optical surfaces



Optical testing

Optics manufacturing

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