1 November 1990 Automatic diagnostic for corneal endothelium cell analysis
F. G. Zhang, Jean-Pierre Fillard, B. Ngouah, J. Y. Driot
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Cornea! endothelium cells of cats eyes have been observed and analysed by means of a PC based image processing system. The dimensions such as the surface S and the perimeter P as well as the density D and deformations describted by two factors F1 I and F2 4 it S I P2 have been statistically evaluated for two classes of 120 cell photographs corresponding to two different treatements A and B . Similar evaluation can be extended to humain eye comeal cells. The aim of this communication is to present a new algorithm for calculating the surface and perimeter of cells. The method is based on encoding the geodesic centre of the cells in terms of mathematical morphology with different grey levels which is then propagated onto the entire cell up to the cell edge. The function of the histogram is then calculated in order to determine the cell parameters. The advantage of this method is rapidity and no calculating error for the binary cell image. This algorithm of automatic diagnostic for endothelium cell analysis has been tested by means of a reference image. The results are represented by a series of photographs.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
F. G. Zhang, Jean-Pierre Fillard, B. Ngouah, and J. Y. Driot "Automatic diagnostic for corneal endothelium cell analysis", Proc. SPIE 1349, Applications of Digital Image Processing XIII, (1 November 1990); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Digital image processing

Image processing

Image filtering

Binary data

Detection and tracking algorithms


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