1.INTRODUCTIONIn the development process of artificial intelligence technology, the neural network system has been universally applied to the fields of pattern-recognition, data-mining and artificial intelligence control. Artificial neural network system research can be traced back to 1800 years Frued psychoanalysis period. An artificial neural network system has strong self-adaptive control and information prediction processing capability. Neural expert system is widely used in various types of intelligent control fields and information processing fields and prediction fields and so on. With the combination of artificial neural network and fuzzy system, genetic algorithm and intelligent group bionic algorithm, computational intelligence has been formed, finally. Nowadays, artificial neural network is developing on the cognitive path of human simulation and becoming an important direction of artificial intelligence, and has important development prospect in the control field. Artificial neural network system takes three hierarchical structure and forward feedback as the main structural form of neural network. The research on the use of feedforward neural network systems is mainly focused on the control precision and the design of the predictive controller. In this paper, Liao Fucheng and Ren Zhenqin proposed a nonlinear system predictive controller based on the direct method of the control system[1]. The linear feedback part is input as the form, which makes the neural network control system satisfy certain stabilization and detectable condition. in the literature[2], Lu Zhiping, Hou Liqiang et al. proposed a multi-stage three-terminal interval type group decision-making method considering the stage weighting, introducing the dynamic attribute weights in the intelligent bionic group decision-making into the artificial intelligence control system and proving The decision-making algorithm is feasible and reasonable. Lou Ke etc. in the literature [3] proposed a target tracking algorithm for mobile sensor networks based on the swarming control, which enabled the sensor network to keep the topology connectivity and target visibility under the control of swarming in the artificial neural network control system. In addition, Li Yanyi etc. in the literature[4] proposed a variable universe fuzzy PID control algorithm, which better solves the contradiction between the measurement and accuracy of the control rules of the self-balance system. However, the traditional three-layer feedforward artificial neural network algorithm is sensitive to the adjustment of the weight of the middle layer, and the neural network system is easily caught in the local extremum and local convergence, which makes the training outcome of the neural network worse, thus affecting the characteristics of the BP neural network[5]. In recent years, many researchers have used artificial intelligence technology such as particle swarm algorithm, ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm to train the neural network, and achieved good results. Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO algorithm) has the superiority of fast convergence speed, simple model design, and simple algorithm construction as a kind of bionic intelligent optimization algorithm[5]. Among them, the shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm is used as a particle swarm optimization algorithm, and its realization mechanism is to simulate the behavior of information exchange of frog foraging in the natural environment, to achieve an intelligent solution, in the neural network training, pattern division, fuzzy control system, and other traditional optimization issues have achieved good results. In the traditional particle swarm algorithm, there are defects such as fast convergence in the early period and easily falling into the local extremum and poor robustness in the later [6]. In view of the shortcomings and problems of traditional algorithms, we use hyperspace dimensional chaos mapping to obtain the stochastic state of motion with deterministic equations. According to the characteristics of randomness, universality and regularity of hyperspace dimensional chaos motion, combined with the shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm, the optimization capability of particle swarm is improved and the population isn’t precocious. So, an improved frog leaping swarm optimization algorithm was proposed for training feed-forward neural networks based on the hyperspace dimensional and infinite folding inversion iterative chaos mapping. The error back propagation information and gradient information of BP algorithm were made full use, and the concept of hyperspace dimensional and infinite folding inversion iterative chaos mapping was presented. Combined with the shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm, the chaotic Leapfrog Group was taken as the global searcher. Gradient information was taken as the local searcher for adjusting the intelligent network weights and threshold. The global optimization and intelligent search were realized. Finally, we use the 4 benchmark functions to test the performance of global intelligent control model of the shuffled frog leaping swarm neural network, and compare it with the results of the traditional algorithm and related literature. Finally, we apply it to the artificial intelligence automatic control system, carry on the simulation experiment, and explain the validity of the algorithm. 2.HYPERSPACE DIMENSIONAL CHAOTIC MAPPING AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK CONTROL2.1Chaotic Mapping Based On Hyper Space DimensionalHyper dimensional chaos is a common phenomenon in nonlinear systems. It is a random motion state obtained from the deterministic equations[7].hyperspace dimensional chaotic motion is characterized by randomness, universality and sensitivity to the initial value. It is a kind of random and regular motion model and state structure[8]. Therefore, the application of hyperspace dimensional chaotic mapping to artificial neural network can overcome the defects of artificial neural network into local convergence. In this paper, we propose a concept of hyperspace dimensional and infinite folding inversion iterative chaos mapping, and discuss its chaos strictly from the mathematical point of view. By calculating the maximum Lyapunov exponent, we prove that the system has chaotic features[9]. The hyperspace dimensional chaotic system has a strong adaptive control ability, and the hyperspace dimensional infinite folding inversion iterative chaotic mapping is described as follows: First, generate a sequence of variables that are distributed between [-1, 1] Wherexk is the k-th component, a is control parameter, and generally a can take 5.65. By taking N samples of intelligent frogs with typical characteristic differences, we can get the chaotic variables of N trajectories with self-similar features. In the artificial intelligence control application, the variable interval of each variable is different, and the hyperspace dimensional chaotic variable needs to be controlled by the interval (-1,1) carrier to the ultra-pure interval of the particle swarm. Set xlmaxval and xlminval to be the upper and lower bounds of the l-th dimension variable, respectively. According to the following formula, we get the chaotic variable characteristic solution mapped to (-1,1). According to the above formula to update the hyper space dimensional chaotic variable cxl, according to the following formula into a decision variable xl: By the above equation, we obtain hyperspace dimensional infinite folding iterative chaotic mapping iterative variable, and adaptive control of artificial BP neural network under infinite folding inversion iteration. The learning process is guided by the hyperspace dimensional chaotic map, which is divided into is divided into two processes: forward spread and backward spread. The literatures have proved that a 3-layer BP neural network can close in on the nonlinear function very precisely. Next, take the 3-layer neural network as an example. Assume that the input layer has an L node, the hidden layer has m nodes, and the output layer has n nodes. BP artificial neural network mean square error function is: Where q is the number of input sample of the artificial neural network system, εkis the output error of the k-th node in the output layer of the artificial neural network system,dk is the expected output value of the k-th node,ck is the actual output value of the k-th node. 2.2Particle Swarm OptimizationIn this paper, based on the concept of hyperspace dimensional infinite folding inversion iterative chaotic mapping, a PSO algorithm is introduced, and the early maturing judgment is carried out. For this algorithm, a group of particles is randomly initialized. Through its infinite evolution, the position of the particle is updated and evolved, and the optimal generalization solution Pb is obtained by adaptive adjustment. This optimal solution is called the individual extremum. With the progression of the particle swarm in layers of the neural network system, the global optimal solution is obtained. In the hyperspace dimensional chaotic mapping system, it is assumed that in the D-dimensional searching space, there are m particles to form a population. The position of the particle i in the D-dimensional space can be expressed as Xi = (xi1,xi2, … xiD), The i-th group of individuals through the traversal, to achieve the optimal location logo is Pi = (pi1, pi2, … piD), As a result of the intelligent frog group network, the jump speed of each individual group is Vi = (vi1,vi2, …,viD),i = 1,2, … m, In the whole leap group, the optimal traversal position experienced by the individual in the state space is Pg = (Pg1, Pg2, … PgD), For each generation of frogs, through tracking the state variables, update the single extremes and global state optimization values, the new position is Where k is the number of iterations,c1 and c2 are learning factors. By tracking individual extremes and global extremes to update their own speed and position, it is: Set rand() to a random number between [0,1], and ωas a linear decreasing inertia weight. Where the value of w is : Where wmaxval is the upper limit of the inertial control weight of the infinite folding inversion iterative chaotic map, wminval is the lower limit, Tmaxval is the maximum of iterations, and t is the current iteration number. With the infinite folding inversion of iterative chaotic mapping artificial neural network control population evolution, the emergence of mapping state results clustering leads to artificial neural network system local precocity. In order to suppress the early maturity of this population, we propose to use the value of the fitness of the frog leaping swarm jumping transformation to adjust the state and make the decision. Assuming the global particle number of the hyperspace dimensional chaotic frog leaping swarm of artificial neural network system is N, the fitness fi of the frog leaping swarm jumping transformation of the i-th particle is defined, and the mean value is defined as favg. Then, the shuffled frog leaping swarm evolution average mean square error σ2is defined as: Where f is the normalized factor, the effect is to limit the size of σ2. The value f is: when max|fi – favg| > 1,;when max|fi – favg| ≤ 1, f =1. Through the above formula, we can obtain the mean square root error σ2 of the artificial shuffled frog leaping swarm neural network control system. The response of σ2 to the physical properties is expressed as the degree of “aggregation” of the adaptive shuffled frog leaping swarm. The smaller the value σ2 is, the greater the degree of “aggregation” is. With the increase of population evolution and convergence iteration, the individual fitness of the population tends to be self-similar, resulting in convergence characteristics, which will become smaller and smaller. When σ2 > C, and the fitness does not meet the end conditions, it is necessary for early maturity treatment, that is, chaotic transformation operation. 3.INTRODUCTION OF SHUFFLED FROG LEAPING SWARM ALGORITHM AND REALIZATION OF KEY TECHNOLOGY OF INTELLIGENT CONTROL3.1Shuffled Frog Leaping Swarm AlgorithmIn recent years, many scholars have used the bionic genetic algorithm such as bee colony, ant colony and frog leaping swarm to train the neural network as an artificial intelligence method, and achieved good results. The shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm can be well combined with the evolution of the module group, and can effectively overcome the shortcomings such as the slow convergence speed and the local extreme value of the feedforward neural network in the intelligent control design training, and the dependence on the initial weight. The shuffled frog swam algorithm is widely combined with artificial neural network(ANN) system with fast convergence speed, simple modeling and easy implementation. Its realization mechanism is to complete an intelligent solution through the simulation of the information interaction behavior of frog foraging information in the natural environment. The basic step of the algorithm implementation is described as follows:
3.2Realization of Frog Leaping Swarm Neural Network AlgorithmIn this paper, the hyperspace dimensional infinite folding inversion iterative chaotic map is combined with the gradient descent method based on error back transfer. The shuffled frog swam algorithm has a strong search ability for global optimal solution, but the search speed is slow near the optimal solution and prone to early maturity phenomenon. In order to solve the shortcomings of the traditional PSO algorithm, we introduce the hyperspace dimensional infinite folding inversion iterative chaotic mapping and the gradient descent algorithm based on error back transfer to enhance the performance of particle swarm optimization algorithm. When the PSO algorithm is caught in the local optimal solution, the chaotic map is introduced to adjust the weight parameter of the shuffled frog leaping swarm in the network distribution system, so that each individual of the frog leaping swarm can escape the local convergence point and realize the global search, so as to avoid the occurrence of precocious population. According to the convergence, the algorithm can automatically switch between global and local searches. According to the PSO algorithm early maturity judgment mechanism, when the fitness variance σ2is less than a given threshold, it shows that the population appears precocious. At this time, the current global optimal position is taken as the initial point, and the chaos map is carried out according to a certain probability, leading the frog to escape the local extreme value region. In order to speed up the local search process, call the BP algorithm and re-enter the PSO optimization process. The iteration is done until the algorithm terminates. This algorithm can acquire the diversity of frog populations by using the chaotic map, and the individual frog can search the whole space under the premise of rapid local search. The algorithm implementation steps are as follows:
Through the above analysis and improvement, the algorithm is an artificial neural network control algorithm combined with the advantages of shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, chaos map and BP algorithm. The shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm and the chaotic mapping algorithm are simpler and the training speed is faster than the simple BP algorithm. In terms of complexity, it is equivalent to the traditional PSO-BP and GA-BP algorithms. In terms of convergence, due to the introduction of hyperspace dimensional infinite folding inversion iterative chaotic mapping mechanism, the population particles have a strong global search ability; Due to the acceleration of local optimization of particles for BP, PSO performance has been a good play. Therefore, the convergence of the algorithm is superior, and the speed of convergence is faster than the traditional PSO-BP and GA-BP algorithm. 4.SIMULATION EXPERIMENT AND RESULT ANALYSISIn order to test the effectiveness of the algorithm and its application value in intelligent artificial neural network control system, based on MATLAB 7.0 platform, we built a control model, and Carry out algorithm simulation. The performance of frog neural network intelligent control model based on hyperspace dimensional chaotic map is carried out by using four benchmark criteria. Set the various parameters: population sizeM = 40, T = 1000, λ = 10–6, C1 = C2 = 1.4,initialize the inertia weight value w between 0.4 and 0.9. r1 and r2 are two randomness in the range [0,1]. The maximum leaping speed between the frog module is 10. If the individual’s leaping speed exceeds the limits, Pm=0.2,C =0.01,νmax = (xmax – xmin)/2,vmin = –vmax. The dimension of the position and velocity of the shuffled frog leaping swarm is D = i×h + h×1 + h + 1 = h × (i +2)+ 1.BP neural network learning rate is η = 0.7and the state factor is α = 0.3.The simulation experiment is carried out in the artificial intelligence automatic control system, and the control precision and quality of the algorithm are verified by testing the mean square error, and compared with the results of the traditional algorithm and the related literature. Test the benchmark function set in table 1. Table 1.Test benchmark function sets
Four function error simulation calculations are used to compare the improved BP neural network algorithm with the traditional algorithm, and the comparison results are displayed in Table 2. Table 2.Function error comparison for traditional methods and improved BPNN algorithm
From Table 2, It can be observed that the improvement of the artificial neural network algorithm is superior to the traditional algorithm to an order of magnitude above the training algorithm, such as training mean square error, generalized mean square error, training absolute error, generalized absolute error and total sample absolute error. The improved algorithm is particularly suitable for artificial intelligence control model design and prediction modeling, with high prediction accuracy and generalization ability, good robustness, and good global optimization adaptive control ability. Similarly, it is also shown that the introduction of hyperspace dimensional chaotic mapping and fitness variance, adjust the shuffled frog leaping swarm in the network distribution system weight, the frogs of each individual can escape the local convergence point, achieve global search, effectively avoid the evolution of early maturity of population. The proposed BP artificial neural network algorithm based on hyper dimensional infinite folding inversion in this article is applied to the network control system designed in the literature [4], and the simulation experiment of control precision is performed. Through the simulation results, we can note that the smooth and accurate global control effect can be obtained, and the control precision and robustness are improved greatly, which shows the superior performance of the algorithm in the artificial intelligence controller, as shown in Figure 1. 5.CONCLUSIONIn article, an improved and optimized frog-leaping swarm algorithm was proposed for training feed-forward neural networks based on the hyperspace dimensional and infinite folding inversion iterative chaos mapping. The hyperspace dimensional chaotic mapping and artificial neural network control algorithm and model structure were constructed, and the shuffled frog leaping swarm algorithm was designed. Combined with chaotic mapping, shuffled frog leaping swarm and artificial neural network theory, the key technology of the algorithm design is realized. Through the simulation experiment, it is concluded that the algorithm has the advantages of training mean square error, generalized mean square error, training absolute error, generalized absolute error and total error of the total sample. The five test indexes are superior to the traditional algorithm. The algorithm is particularly suitable for global intelligent control system modeling. From the control accuracy and control quality, the algorithm is also more ideal, which shows the algorithm has good robustness. 6.6.REFERENCESLiao Fucheng, Ren Zhenqin,
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