15 December 1978 SAGNAC Effect Fiber Ring Gyro with Electronic Phase Sensing
David E. Thompson, Dean B. Anderson
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A Sagnac effect interferometer gyro using an optical fiber solenoid ring is delineated where electronic phase detection is employed as opposed to observing an optical fringe shift indicative of rotation. A balanced double-heterodyne system is employed to detect the counter-circulating optical waves derived from a single red He/Ne laser source. The laser output is frequency shifted to provide the counter-circulating signals and the heterodyne local oscillator. Two Bragg-type elasto-optic frequency shifters are employed using Te0:Si02 centered at 70 MHz, the difference of which is the IF frequency in the 10 - 100 KHz range. Hard-limited IF amplification is employed before phase detection. The rotation-induced phase shift (Sagnac effect) appears as a balanced differential phased shift between the channels. Interferometer operation using both quasi single-mode and multi-mode optical fibers with 6328A radiation has been demonstrated. High visibility Fresnel fringes due to the Sagnac effect have been observed using a 1 Km length of multi-mode fiber and a 0.46 Km length of quasi single-mode fiber. Using the 0.46 Km long fiber at 6328A with 9dB/Km loss where its single-mode cutoff is at 9400A, rotational rates of less than 0.1 degrees rotation per second are easily discerned using the balanced double-heterodyne system with electronic phase sensing.
© (1978) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David E. Thompson and Dean B. Anderson "SAGNAC Effect Fiber Ring Gyro with Electronic Phase Sensing", Proc. SPIE 0157, Laser Inertial Rotation Sensors, (15 December 1978); Logo
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Fiber optic gyroscopes



Optical fibers

Phase shifts


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