1 January 1993 Characterization of a 512x512-pixel 8-output full-frame CCD for high-speed imaging
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Proceedings Volume 1801, 20th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics; (1993)
Event: 20th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, 1992, Victoria, BC, Canada
The characterization of a 512 by 512 pixel, eight-output full frame CCD manufactured by English Electric Valve under part number CCD13 is discussed. This device is a high- resolution Silicon-based array designed for visible imaging applications at readout periods as low as two milliseconds. The characterization of the device includes mean-variance analysis to determine read noise and dynamic range, as well as charge transfer efficiency, MTF, and quantum efficiency measurements. Dark current and non-uniformity issues on a pixel-to-pixel basis and between individual outputs are also examined. The characterization of the device is restricted by hardware limitations to a one MHz pixel rate, corresponding to a 40 ms readout time. However, subsections of the device have been operated at up to an equivalent 100 frames per second. To maximize the frame rate, the CCD is illuminated by a synchronized strobe flash in between frame readouts. The effects of the strobe illumination on the imagery obtained from the device is discussed.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Thorsten Graeve and Eustace L. Dereniak "Characterization of a 512x512-pixel 8-output full-frame CCD for high-speed imaging", Proc. SPIE 1801, 20th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, (1 January 1993);
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Modulation transfer functions

Charge-coupled devices


Quantum efficiency



High speed photography


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